Hello friends,welcome to lifekisavari,
Are you facing toughest time,difficulties in life,If yes than you may be confuse what to do?,may be you will be depressed to much about it.
In this article i will shares some tips and suggestions to face tough times and difficulties.So let's Go......!
The Major portion of problems and stress are solved if you accept it.Whatever had been happen,failure,toughest time, difficulties arrived just accept it and write down on a page whatever came in your mind just write it and then throw it in dustbin.psychologlically it is ice breaker.
2.Live in present movement
Say, "whatever had happened,it had happened for good,whatever is happening,happening for good,whatever will be going to happen,will be happen for good."
Don't blame to much yourself,just say I am responsible for my life and happiness but not about difficulties,tough times and failure it happen because of god's Reason.
Talk to your friends and your loved ones and don't forget to talk with yourself alone,talk only positive things with yourself.
3.Do nothing,take rest and be calm
If situations is to worst,Just do nothing for while just take rest because mind is totally sink in the ocean of sorrowness and negative things.It is essential to be calm and take rest at this time.
It is essential to don't worry to much about future.
4.Face It ,capture it
Do the task which you fear to much,it will not only help you to focus in present situation but also give you confidence to you.
Life Is like vehicle,The vehicle not always run on smooth path sometimes it has to drive on paths with pathholes, road filled with obstacles.But it is essential to enjoy the life as much you can,because we don't know,will we get this life again,so enjoy it.
Believe on god he will never make you to be lose.
Always remember "God is late here,it is not dark but he will take care of you,have patience!"
I hope this might help you.
For any feedback comments me
Thanks you.
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